the day man faced physical danger, he has been wearing some kind of armor.
The ancient tribes covered their body with animal hide or plant coverings
when they went hunting.
The ancient armor has since then evolved as the protection in battles. The
warriors of Rome and Europe covered themselves in metal plates to protect
their body. By the middle ages the armors had become sophisticated. The
armors so covered the body that hardly any part was exposed. Helmets, breast
plates, shields and limb protection shields were deviced for total
protection during the war.
Any armor had to be flexible to allow the free movement of the warrior and
it had to be lightweight so that the warrior is not tired wearing it.
The body armors consist of an armor shirt that was at times extended to
armor tunic, that covered the upper part of the body. Helmet could be a part
of the armor or separate. Limb armors were also separate pieces. Armor suits
covered the whole body.