dagger is a short pointed weapon with sharp edges that torments or wounds.
It is a special stabbing weapon often with an ornamented sheath. It is a
form of knife, where the tang is placed along the center line of the blade.
It is known for remarkable metal work.
Every culture has some type of dagger as a basic personal protection. It
was not just a battle tool but specified the warrior status. Ancient daggers
can be double edged or single. They were the genesis of the genius of the
metal and metallurgy craft.
A common long dagger was called a poignard (poniard), or "pugnale"
. It was carried along with a sword or rapier as a backup weapon. The dagger
was lightweight, deadly, and elegant, used as a defensive weapon. A dagger
had a knife-like blade. Using dagger was an art initself. In the middle ages
it was used point down, pommel up.